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On average, an American visits the doctor four times a year†. According to the CDC, 84.9% of adults and 95.6% of children had a visit with a doctor or other health care provider in the past year‡. Staff at participating practitioner offices have an established relationship with your target audience, creating a natural opportunity for a powerful implied endorsement for your brand. Handit2 reaches people of all ages and stages though healthcare venues such as:

  • Pediatricians
  • OB-GYNs
  • Family doctors
  • General practitioners
  • Dentists & Orthodontists
  • Pharmacies
  • College & University health clinics
  • Birth centers & Hospitals
  • Doulas & Midwives
  • Childbirth educators & Breastfeeding specialists
  • Dermatologists
  • Physical therapists & Sports medicine
  • Chiropractors & Acupuncturists
  • …and many other specialists!

And don’t forget about fur babies! Seventy percent of US households owned one or more pets in 2020*. People will do almost anything for their pets, and pet owners love samples geared towards their furry friends. Reach pet parents in venues such as:

  • Veterinarian offices
  • Groomers
  • Boarding & training facilities
  • Adoption centers & animal shelters
  • Pet sitters & walkers

†Source:  ‡Source:  *Source: